To have someone with so much anger and hatred, who is so polarizing have such an audience and be so popular in a democratic society like The United Stats of America, is astonishing. This ideology is usually relegated to the extreme fringe of society, which usually only survives because of free speech, but is almost never accepted as an alternative or an option.
With out going into all of Rush's over the top, mean spirited chastising comments over the past 2 decades. I'll just focus on what I think is, his most selfish, egotistical, repulsive comment ever. "I hope he(Obama) fails", about Obama's plan to fix what the Republicans decimated, the economy.
When Rush Limbaugh stated on his radio show that "I hope he (Obama) fails". What he was saying is, he (Rush Limbaugh) and the Republicans, hopes that the tax payers of The United States of America will be on the hook for Trillions of dollars in additional debt, and have the economy no better than it is now, if not worse within 4 or 8 years from now. Tax payers money (in the Trillions) will be invested (or spent) to not only turn the economy around, but to also bring up the standard of living for the people that need it the most. So in essence what Rush is saying is, that he hopes the crisis that is at hand and affects millions of people doesn't get better. How nice!
And this is all because it's not how he or the Republicans would want this (the recovery plain) executed.
Then when Rush Limbaugh speaks at the CPAC conference, and equates his "I hope he fails" comment to the Super bowl. It is astonishing and shows how he or anybody else like him can justify their skewed sense of reality. Here's Rush's astounding insight "Now about my, still to me mysteriously controversial comment that I hope President Obama fails. I was watching the Super Bowl. As you know I love the Pittsburgh Steelers. So they have this miraculous scoring drive that puts them up by 4, 15 seconds left, Kurt Warner on the field for the Cardinals, and I sure as heck want you to know I hope he failed. I did not want the Cardinals to win. I wanted Warner to make the biggest fool of him self possible, I wanted a sack I wanted anything, I wanted the Steelers to win, and I wanted to win, I wanted the Cardinals to fail. This notion that I wanted the President to fail? This show you the sign of the problem we've got, thats nothing more then common sense and to not be able to say it. Why in the world do I want what we just described, rampant Government growth indebtedness that #%$7@ wealth is not even being created yet is is being spent. What is in this, what possibly is in this, that any of us what to succeed? Did, did The Democrats wanted the war in Iraq to fail? ("Yes from the audience") Well they they certainly did. And they not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail, they proclaimed it a failure. There's dingy Harry Read waving a white flag "this war is lost", They called General
Petraeus a lier before he even testified".
Now I know that, that last paragraph was hard to take.
But what Rush is equating with his football analogy is, that he and The Republicans really don't want the economy to recover, they don't want the standard of living for the people that need it the most to go up. They want The United States to fail so that they can say "I told you so" and "I was right (The Republicans) and they (The Democrats) were wrong". Now if that is not ideology warfare at the cost of an entire nation's expense, I don't know what is.
What is most disturbing with this kind of polarizing ideology is, as Rush so eloquently put it. It's at a child's point of view. Me want to win, you must lose, period. I don't think you can get much smaller then that when viewing the world with such a narrow perspective. I think that might even be pre-school conceptual thinking.
Now before I get any hate mail from sport fans. I am a sport fan and I too root for a winner. And with winning, there is always a looser. But that's sports, that's the cost of competing. I don't think even the most enthusiastic sport fans wishes the loser's home go into foreclosure, lose there job, or die because of not getting medical care when they need it most. But when Rush and The Republicans go on and on and on, and on about big Government and big spending with big deficits, isn't that what they The Republicans just gave the American people for the past 8 years with nothing to show for it?. And with all that big Government and big spending with big deficits, what do the American people have to show for this? Nothing, nothing more then a decimated economy and two wars that The Republicans could not bring to an end. So it seems for it to be ok for them, but no one else.
And I can already hear it "but Bush and The Republicans kept the U.S. safe from another terrorist attack". It's just amazing! Rush and The Republicans pound that drum non stop. Do we forget that Bush and The Republicans were in power when the largest terror attack on American soil took place? And Bush was more interested in playing golf (pre 9/11) then working at the White House and keeping up to date with intelligence and potential terrorist attacks.
The point is, as far as Rush Limbaugh and The Republicans are concerned, they're right, and they're right all the time. They can do no wrong, and only people that can do wrong, and will do wrong in their eyes, is anybody and everybody that doesn't agree with their narrow minded point of view because there just isn't any other way to go about doing what needs to be done. My way or the highway is really their motto. Sounds a little like a child not getting along with others and sometimes resorting to bullying to get their way.
I thought we were a society that frowned on that sort of childishness, narrow minded ideology. No compromise, not looking at someone else's point of view. If you want to play in my sand box, you play my way or the highway buddy, and I don't care if you ever come back.
Not trying to work together doesn't seem very mature, or civil.
And just a note on "The Democrats wanted the war in Iraq to fail" from Rush. No they didn't. They The Democrats supported Bush before entering Iraq, while in Iraq and all the way up and until and after Bush stated "my fellow Americans, major combat operations in Iraq have ended" with the banner over his head Mission Accomplished May 2 2003. The Democrats and the country didn't start questing the commander and chef and all his cohorts in his administration in regards to why they were sill fighting in Iraq until about 2005, two years after major combat operations in Iraq had supposedly ended, which had everything to do with the administrations incompetence and nothing to to with waving a white flag.
Is it not possible to comprehend that, if you see incompetence which results in death, would it not only be a moral responsibility to question but a human reaction?
If you would like to check out Rush's rant click on the link
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